Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The "Vortex" of Catholic Neoconservtives

In recent days, revelations emerged that Pope Francis spoke of a Vatican underworld that involves an actively homosexual clerical network. This video was produced by Michael Voris, who leads the ChurchMilitant.tv online media network.

Voris hesitates with this until the end of the broadcast, but then finally starts naming, well, institutions and entities that shill for the modern Petrine establishment at all costs. They are the usual suspects: EWTN (and apparently its prissy, effeminate news director), its weekly paper, the National Catholic Register, and various low-rated radio outlets, such as Ave Maria Radio, founded by former tycoon Tom Monahan.

You see, they are all fanatical clericalists. These are folks and institutions who do little more than simply identify with the clerical power establishment, like the American Bishops Conference, to establish their supposed sanctity. They act like a bunch of latter-day Pharisee concubines, and little else.

It's very simple: there's a difference between the Faith and its truths, and those who operate the Church. Many of those who lead the Church are faithful, though Scripture warns of being like the Pharisees, who represented the pinnacle of the religious establishment.

It's interesting how Voris mentions men's and women's conferences, that took place in March, as having been venues for certain speakers trashing him and defending the gay priest underworld as being largely non-existent. No doubt, such conferences promote the "New Feminism," which is bent on advancing a hybrid of Victorian-sounding pieties about women, combined with tightly-defined gender roles (50s style), and Andrea Dworkin-sounding condemnations of men's sexuality, all rolled together. On the sexuality front, it's really only men who do the sinning in what is now the post-sexual revolution era, as younger women are constantly "being objectified."

It's all about innate hypocrisy built upon other hypocrisies. Of course, "we'll lose the culture war if we go against other 'faithful.'" NEWSFLASH: They've already been lost.

It's past high time to gut the house and re-built from the bottom up.